Bird Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador Population Data & Demographics

This article shows the demographic data and statistics of Bird Cove. It is a town in Canada that encompasses a land area of 7.69 km2. The town has a population density of 22.80 people per km2.

We highlight the Bird Cove town's various population characteristics. From gender, age distribution, ethnicity, household and dwelling, and income to spoken languages, occupation, and religion.

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Population Characteristics

According to the latest census, Bird Cove has a population of around 175 people. The town's population is in decreased . Between 2016 and 2021, the population of Newfoundland and Labrador has decreased by -2.23%.

Population in 2016Population in 2021Difference
179175 --2.23%

Population By Genders

The male population of Bird Cove is around 100 while the female population is around 75.

Of the 175 total population in Bird Cove, the largest gender is male with around 100 women within the population.

10075 -25.00%

Population by Age Characteristics

Bird Cove has an aging population. The majority of the population is people aged 60 to 64 years old, accounting for 17.60% of the total population. The town median age is 58.00.

Median age of the population57 56.80%60 59.60% 5.03%58 58.00%
Average age of the population50 50.00%56 56.00% 10.71%53 52.60%
60 to 64 years10 10.00%15 20.00% 33.33%30 17.60%
55 to 59 years10 10.00%15 20.00% 33.33%20 11.80%
65 to 69 years10 10.00%10 13.30% 0.00%20 11.80%
40 to 44 years5 5.00%5 6.70% 0.00%15 8.80%
50 to 54 years10 10.00%5 6.70% 50.00%15 8.80%
70 to 74 years5 5.00%10 13.30% 50.00%15 8.80%
10 to 14 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%10 5.90%
15 to 19 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%10 5.90%
75 to 79 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%10 5.90%
0 to 4 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%5 2.90%
5 to 9 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%5 2.90%
20 to 24 years0 0.00%0 0.00% 0.00%5 2.90%
35 to 39 years5 5.00%5 6.70% 0.00%5 2.90%
45 to 49 years5 5.00%0 0.00% 100.00%5 2.90%
80 to 84 years0 0.00%0 0.00% 0.00%5 2.90%
85 to 89 years0 0.00%0 0.00% 0.00%5 2.90%
25 to 29 years0 0.00%0 0.00% 0.00%0 0.00%

Broader Age Groups

If the town's population is divided into broader age groups, most of the population falls into the 15 to 64 years age group. The group accounts for 61.80% of the population. The other age groups, 15 to 64 years and 65 years and over, account for 61.80% and 29.40%, respectively.

If we look at the population data from the broader age groups, we can see that most people in Bird Cove are within the 15 to 64 years age group.


Population of Bird Cove by Ethnicity and Origin

The population of Bird Cove is quite diverse, which contributes to the town's vibrant cultural landscape. Bird Cove is inclusive and accepts various ethnic groups with open arms. Furthermore, the province appreciates the unique contributions that each ethnicity brings.

The top 5 ethnicities and origins in the province are English, which accounts for 40.63% of the total population, followed by Caucasian (White) (34.38%), Canadian (21.88%), Irish (21.88%), and French (18.75%).

Other ethnicities and origins in Newfoundland and Labrador include First Nations (North American Indian), North American, Ugandan, Oromo, and Tanzanian.

Ethnicity and OriginMaleFemalePercentage in Population
Caucasian (White)45.00%16.67%34.38%
First Nations (North American Indian)15.00%25.00%15.63%
North American10.00%0.00%6.25%

Household and Dwelling Characteristics

About 80 of Bird Cove's population live in a single-detached house. In addition, most of them are living in 2 persons household.

Household Size

About 23.55% of the population lives in 2 persons households. 1 person households ranked second, accounting for 11.75% of the population. 3 persons, 4 persons, and 5 or more persons households account for 8.80%, 2.95%, and 0.00%, respectively.

Number of Person(s) in HouseholdTotalPercentage
2 persons4023.55%
1 person2011.75%
3 persons158.80%
4 persons52.95%
5 or more persons00.00%

Income in Bird Cove

Analyzing income distribution in Bird Cove can help us better understand its socioeconomic dynamics.

Per Capita Income

According to 2020 data, the median personal income within Bird Cove is $0.

A region's per capita data sheds light on the average income earned per person living in it. Since per capita income is calculated by dividing the region's total income by its population, it quantifies the population's economic situation on an individual basis.

Such data offers insights into the town's economic performance, spread of income across individuals, quality of life, as well as disparities within its borders.

Most of Bird Cove population or around 0 people falls in the Under $10,000 group. The next largest groups are the Under $10,000, and Under $10,000 with around 0 and 0 people, respectively.

Household Income

The Bird Cove's median household income is $0, according to 2020 data.

The data provides important insights into the town's economic landscape as well as the living standards of its population.

Analyzing such data enables researchers, policymakers, and businesses to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the town's income distribution, disparities, and trends.

Education Levels in Bird Cove

This data sheds light on the distribution of Bird Cove residents across educational milestones.

Such information is crucial in shaping the province’s policies on education, workforce development strategies, and initiatives that aim to improve access to quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.

60.15% or most of the Bird Cove population has a Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree. 21.80% of the population has a High (secondary) school diploma or equivalency certificate, 18.05% has a No certificate, diploma or degree, and 0.00% has Bachelor's degree or higher.

Only using 25% sample data.
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree705513560.15%
High (secondary) school diploma or equivalency certificate10405021.80%
No certificate, diploma or degree4504518.05%
Bachelor's degree or higher0000.00%

Employment in Bird Cove

This dataset provides a snapshot of employment trends in Bird Cove. It encompasses a wide range of sectors, industries, as well as job categories.

The data shows that the unemployment rate in Newfoundland and Labrador is at 28.57% which is very high.

Only using 25% sample data.
Employment rate39.29%
Unemployment rate28.57%

Working as an Employee

The table shows the data on the total number of individuals in the town who work as an employee. The majority of Bird Cove's population (around 42.10%) are working permanent position as an employee.


In the town, there are 10 men and 0 women working as self-employed individuals, bringing the total number to 10.

Only using 25% sample data.

Employment Industry Sectors

The Bird Cove industry employment sector census data offers insights into the region's economic landscape. The distribution of employment in Bird Cove is categorized and quantified, which reveals the region's economic composition.

Bird Cove has a wide range of industries. Most of its population (21%) works in the construction sector. The Other services (except public administration) sector comes second at 16%, followed by Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting at 11%.

Only using 25% sample data.
Other services (except public administration)01016%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting10011%
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction10011%
Educational services01011%
Health care and social assistance01011%
Wholesale trade000%
Retail trade000%
Transportation and warehousing000%
Information and cultural industries000%
Finance and insurance000%
Real estate and rental and leasing000%
Professional, scientific and technical services000%
Management of companies and enterprises000%
Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services000%
Arts, entertainment and recreation000%
Accommodation and food services000%
Public administration000%

Places of Work

The data offers insights into the commuting patterns as well as workplace distribution in the town. It provides a snapshot of workplaces, showing their geographic distribution and the flow of workers across different areas.

Only using 25% sample data.
Work LocationMenWomenTotalPercentage
Usual place of work10203054.50%
Worked at home1001527.30%
Worked outside Canada0000.00%
No fixed workplace address0000.00%


The data sheds light on how Bird Cove residents travel to school or work. It highlights the frequency of different modes of transportation like walking, cycling, carpooling, and public transit.

The data is pivotal in the making of transportation policies as well as the development of transit systems. Ultimately commuting data contributes to improving the quality of life of Bird Cove residents and sustainable urban planning.

Commuting Duration

This data reveals the average time that the residents of Bird Cove spend traveling to their workplaces. It also sheds light on the efficiency of the town's public transit systems, and road networks, as well as the accessibility of the town.

Only using 25% sample data.
Less than 15 minutes71.40%
15 to 29 minutes0.00%
30 to 44 minutes0.00%
45 to 59 minutes0.00%
60 minutes and over0.00%

Marital Status

The statistics on marital status in Bird Coveshed light on its societal dynamics. It captures the diverse types of marital statuses of the population.

Long-term commitments, such as common-law partnerships, civil unions, and marriages, reflect the town's social fabric. We can gain insights into Bird Cove's changing preferences and norms by examining the trends in marital status.

Married or living common-law
Married or living common-law

Language Spoken

The data below highlights town's linguistic diversity, showing elegances of solo language as well as bilingual harmonies. Other than language, it also shows the cultural landscape in Canada.

English is the most spoken official language in Bird Cove. About 175 people living in the province speak English, 0 people speak French, 0 people speak English and French language, and 0 people speak Neither English nor French language.

English and French0
Neither English nor French0


Bird Cove is predominantly Christian. About 160 of its population is Christian (100 males and 100 females).

The second largest religion in the province is Buddhist with 0.0% of the population adhering to the religion. There are also Hindu and Jewish, both represent 0.0% and 0.0% of the population, while Muslim represent 0.0% of the population.
